Tips for easier shaving, exfoliating and healthy skin for men.
“I offer the same advice to men as I do for women,” says skin care expert Maxine Warsh. “Treat yourself with goodness from the inside out and don't 'wear out' your skin by using chemicals and cleansers that overdry. Shaving creams also overdry and they are full of chemicals—so that's an excellent reason to use water only as part of your face cleaning routine. Give your face a good wash (WARSH!) before and after shaving and use the Warsh Cloth for Men (of course).
Reenergize your face
“Even plain old soap dries your face out—and it ages your skin. Add to this the effects of shaving and... wow. The deck is stacked. So this is why my best suggestion is to use only water for a clean fresh face! Use plain H2O and the WARSH Cloth for Men before and after your shave—and last thing at night or whenever you start to feel grimy. It will clean you up fast without weakening your skin and you'll not only look great but feel great.”
Diet tips for men's skin
Other advice that's applicable to helping your skin from the inside out is to eat the best diet you can. “I don't mean 16-ounce steaks or recommend carb-happy plates every day. Do what your mom probably told you to when you were at her kitchen table, and overdose on fruit and veg—as many as you can, as multicoloured as you can, and whenever you can.” If your family or partner isn't already on some variation of the Mediterranean or Dash diet—do it quick. Not only does it benefit overall body health from digestion to circulation and helps everyone fight diseases including cancers, but skin health and feel improves. And it gives tone to the way you look—making skin vibrant and helping it and you to feel and stay youthful.
How does The Warsh Cloth work?
The WARSH Cloth exfoliates to keep skin fresh while you wash (WARSH!), and it's anti-bacterial, plus it's environmentally-friendly. You can keep reusing it after washing (WARSHing it) for up to three months. It's slightly larger than the standard WARSH Cloth.
There's a reason people call this “The Little Miracle Worker.” Your face will think it has discovered a miracle—you'll see and feel a difference when you can scrub away grime and pore-cloggers with the WARSH Cloth for Men and only water.