How to tone and even out your skin naturally in seconds—

  “So excited to share my latest Natural Beauty Tip—Apple Cider Vinegar!  Using Apple Cider Vinegar as a toner to balance the Ph in skin is an excellent idea-not only is my skin smoother and softer, but I actually notice that it's more toned and even. Treatment is simple. Wash (WARSH!) your face with a WARSH Cloth. This exfoliates and cleans away makeup and grime with only water. Then just dab a cotton ball with ACV and wipe your face, neck, and dec. Then moisturize. You’re done!” Maxine

Warsh&Water Banner Art.jpg

Use the Warsh Cloth at least twice a day is my best advice to keep your skin clear.

Benefits of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (according to articles in Reader's Digest and elsewhere!) has a lot of wonderful health and other benefits, besides enhancing your skin's tone and clarity. See how and why it works.
It's fantastic for digestion— apple cider vinegar helps with tummy troubles, prevents indigestion, cures hiccups, soothes sore throats, could lower cholesterol, clears a stuffy nose, aids weight loss, gets rid of dandruff, clears acne, boosts energy, reduces night leg cramps, battles bad breath, whitens teeth, and helps control blood sugar…
What are you waiting for? Visit your local store and stock up!
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