Do you include coffee in your wellness diet?
You should—it’s good for you and it’s also great for your skin! Coffee drinkers tend to have better long and short-term memories, and coffee also lowers the risk of diabetes 2 and some diseases of the liver, for example.
You can enjoy up to 8 cups a day, says the latest medical research and still come out tops in the longevity stakes. A study published recently of nearly half a million Brits showed that those who enjoyed up to 8 cups a day benefitted from a longevity boost. It didn't seem to matter whether it was instant, decaf, or ground. It’s also considered a natural skincare remedy for a number of problems.
And is coffee good for your skin?
Applied topically, it can be says a Beverly Hills dermatologist, who recommends a mild coffee facial scrub you can make at home. Read about it at It also tends to improve blood flow, while reducing puffiness and swelling
Did you know that coffee is considered the most popular source of antioxidants in the US? It beats even tea and wine. See
More on: is coffee good for you?