Aloe Vera helps with everything from burns/sunburns to sores, wrinkles, and acne. It's a common ingredient in many over the counter preps (including mine, says Maxine!).
Studies suggest (many studies!) that endocrine disrupters such as phthalates and parabens in convenional beauty products cause harm long term and explains the major shift over the years to all-natural products.
Going natural is also good for the planet as natural ingredients are also more easily sustainably sourced. (See Elle)
The question many ask is do natural beauty products work?
Absoutely and to help illustrate, we're going to look at some of the all-natural ingredients found in natural beauty products, including in the Black Label epiCARE natural skin care line from Maxine Warsh. This will also give a little insight into why natural skin products are better for your skin than the chemicals/preservatives and other gunky things that last a lifetime on the shelves in your drug store—but aren't that great for your complexion.
Most of us have seen aloe vera in shampoos and face creams and recognize its value—it's great for sunburns, acne, and dry skin. Apparently, in ancient Egypt it was considered the “plant of immortality.”
SKIN CARE PRO TIP TO FIGHT ACNE: You can extract aloe vera gel from the leaves and spread on your skin to improve it. Mix a dab with a few drops of lemon juick to apply to blemishes, wash off with water in the morning, and, voila!
Aloe vera is a key ingredient in many of the Maxine Warsh natural care skin creams and lotions and one of the main reasons is because it boosts collagen production, plumps your skin, and thus helps eliminate wrinkles. It also helps reduce redness and inflammation. Read more.
Natural skin care products from Maxine Warsh.
Rosemary is an essential oil (which means deriving from plants—leaves, bark, or roots. It boosts skin tone by "neutralizing free radicals.” The damage by free radicals leads to loss of tone, wrinkles, and sags!
Rosemary is also considered to be an excellent treatment for wounds and problem skin conditions (including acne, dermatitis, and psoriasis) and can be applied topically to moisturize and help skin circulation. Rosemary combats dry skin and helps with the glow!
Extracted from the nut of the African shea tree, shea butter is used in a number of the Maxine Warsn natural skin cream and care products including epiMOIST Moisturizing Skin Creme.
But why is it so good for you? Shea butter is not only a natural moisturizer and extremely hydrating because of Vitamin A, it improves a number of skin conditions from blemishes to eczema. In different formulations it works on everything from insect bites to sunburn. Shea butter also has Vitamin E, which is believed to help with micro-circulation and to prevent/repair environmental and sun damage and it is also believed to boost collagen production.
Rosehip oil is also excellent for your skin—a lot of celebs swear they use it including Gwyneth Paltrow, Miranda Kerr, and even the Duchess of Cambridge. According to Health for all Women, it “penetrates to the deepest layers of the skin where it regenerates cells, increasing collagen production. It is rich in vitamin C and the essential fatty acids, all of which help heal scar tissue. It is also high in retinoic acid, which studies show reduces the appearance of wrinkles and brightens skin.” Rosehip oil also helps with antihyperpigmentation.
Rosehip oil is one of the special ingredients included in the Maxine Warsh Simply Rose Moisturizer—a light and gentle moisturizer perfect for summer use. Rosehip oil comes from the seeds of Rosa moschata and is brimming with antioxidants, fatty acids, and other age-fighting good things. Since it's great for firming and regeneration as well as battling fine lines, it's the perfect addition to an anti-aging cream.
Grapeseed oil has been around for over 6000 years, used especially for eye and skin conditions and diseases (and is used in Maxine Warsh natural skin care products!). While you don't want to use it too much in your cooking, because it is high in Omega-6 fatty acids, and too much in your diet can increase inflammation and cholesterol. However, using it on your skin, as in some of the Maxine Warsh natural products is a great idea. It is loaded with Vitamins C, D, and E so it helps to reduce wrinkles. Vitamins C and E and the fatty acids make it an excellent cream or emolient--and the antioxidants battle acne.
The epiSILK Toning and Lifting Vitamin C Serum is just one of the good-for-your-skin natural products from Maxine Warsh that contains ginger as a key ingredient. Why is ginger good for your skin?
You probably already know that ginger taken in your food and drink has benefits for your health—to calm upset tummies and reduce inflammation, for example. Ginger tea is good if you're feeling congested or facing down a cold or flu. Applied topically, it helps soothe burns—and this is only a sampling of ginger's uses and benefits. ( More ways to use ginger.) It also helps encourage elasticity in your complexion. As well as its anti-inflammatory properties, ginger is excellent for your skin because it is full of antioxidants that boost collagen production.
BE GOOD TO YOUR SKIN—Perhaps keep a chunk of ginger on hand—it is said to be great to battle a spotty skin and also helps with 'brown' spots.