The Importance of Revisiting (and RECLAIMing) You
I like the RE words--refresh, rejuvenate, relax... you may have noticed my product names. Check them out. But one I haven't used (yet!) is revisit. As you've probably heard or read, I believe that when you feel great about yourself you look good. This is because, at every level, you're doing what's good for you.
But the current thinking is you also have to learn to feel relaxed about time—all the experts say that being proactive about aging does have a visible impact.
Rejuvenation and refreshing—for your complexion—and in your life work best when you're happy with who you are today. If you're feeling miserable—this is going to affect how you look, how you go about your day, and—as many experts now say—your longevity. So what can you do to feel good about where you are today?
What did you want to be when you grew up?
Revisit you—and while you’re there—RECLAIM YOU. This may mean reclaiming your dreams. Shake them out and dust them off—did you give up, get sidetracked? Worry too much about what would happen if things didn’t work out and so you never even bothered to try?
We all need hopes and dreams. And re-examining (another RE word!) what you wanted when you were 20 and seeing if you’re got there yet… and if not, REbooting(!) is the best anti-aging and Rejuvenation advice I can give.
And it’s also good to Remember that saying so helps make it so. And taking the time RECLAIM You—perhaps the you that you thought you'd left behind when you turned 30 and had to commit to serious efforts like making a living and raising a family... is good for you in so many ways. Not feeling that you've missed the bus/train/ or that it's too late to get going on new plans or revisit your old plans and reboot—is good for our health.
It’s never too late to follow your dream!
Looking behind often helps with realizing that now is a good place to be. But it can be even better if you can refresh and revisit your dreams—reclaim them—and change your life. It’s never too late. Try a new approach or a new venture, or simply dust off your old goals and if they still beckon, go for it—knowing what you know and who you are.
This is an important step —knowing that where you are now is where you want to be. Take time to refresh, rejuvenate, and to RECLAIM YOU. Assess your good fortune—even if, this week, it only consists of a walk in the winter sunshine or sitting on a park bench for a few moments to rest and enjoy the scenery from your busy day.
How Maxine reclaimed her passion!
“Or, like I did recently, reCLAIM your passion. I love Ballet. It feeds my soul. I just wasn’t seeing as much dance as I wanted to—always a childhood love! So I decided to become a subscriber to The National Ballet of Canada. I had no idea just how much enjoyment was in store.
“Recently I attended my second ballet of the season(Etudes & Piano Concerto #1 & Petite Mort). I rushed home from work, made dinner, cleaned up and got myself ready to go.
“All dressed up, I decided to take the subway...maybe feeling a little overdressed for this stretch of the journey. Yes, people were looking at me funny!
“But I suddenly realized how much fun I was having.on a date with myself!
“I had never looked at going out unescorted as being on a date with me. But in all the excitement and anticipation of a “special event” and being all dressed up to match the occasion, I was having a ball.
“ ballet was wonderful— better than expected. Life is good. And then there’s ballet and dates with one’s self. It was a good gratitude reminder around my favorite holiday of the year, Thanksgiving. So much to be thankful for.
“So, my rejuvenation treatments fill the lines and wrinkles and plump up your skin.
“But it's being happy with who you are—and that may mean Reclaiming a little bit of who you were and having fun being you again— is the most important anti-aging advice I can give. Nothing has the more on our well-being than feeling good—because then we look great. Feeling great equals looking good.
“We don’t have to want to be our young selves all over again. But that doesn’t mean we can’t reclaim he passion or dream and make it new —perhaps even go on a date with you—and teel like yourself again! This was a small reboot for me… stay-tuned for more!” Maxine
1) First—what was the dream? What did you want to do or be when you grew up? Are you there yet?
2) Ask yourself if you still would love to achieve or do that—or do you have a new dream? Write it down.
I WANT TO… finish the sentence.
3) Deadlines work—so give yourself a deadline.
I WANT TO … …………………………………. by………………
If you want to fly a plane, the target doesn’t have to be the fly by date… make it the first-lesson-date, or the phone-the-flying-school date—you know you best. Will you be more successful if you plan every stage, take small steps first, or jump in with both feet?
4) Sign the paper where you wrote down your dream of a lifetime. Take a picture and send it to your best friend (or me!)
5) Put it up everywhere—on your fridge under your favorite magnet, copy it and carry it in your wallet so you see it daily.
6) Visualize it. THINK ABOUT WHAT IF? Allow yourself a daydream—are you smiling yet? Revisit your dreams and work out a schedule and imagine doing whatever it might be or becoming—and how wonderful it would feel and what people would say… And how you’d probably be beyond happiness-you’d feel over the moon.