Weird Wrinkles?

Friends had been asking Emma all year, “What’s happening to your eyes? They look weird.”

It upset her like nothing else because she’d had botox! So she’d laugh it off, pretend it was nothing.

But denial didn’t help. Because when she took a proper look, she could see it herself.

There WAS something weird happening.


NEW wrinkles.

They hadn’t been there before botox—they began to show AFTER!

They were at the bridge of the nose. A little googling later, she found they even had a name.

“Bunny Lines.”

Emma was very upset and not sure whether she should complain or if she just needed more botox!

Apparently, this is a rather common side effect of botox, and there are pictures of celebs like Nicole Kidman and Kim Cattrall with these “Bunny Lines” floating around on the internet.

That’s why I always say artificial beauty is temporary beauty because the body will ALWAYS compensate when things don’t work!

It reminds me of the back pain I had last week.

I woke up in the morning and noticed my lower back was super tight.

Dr. Yen— a very experienced chiropractor—said he could help.

But instead of working on my lower back where it was hurting, he worked on my pelvis.  Particularly on my gluteal area.

I raised my eyebrows. “The pain is in my lower back. Not my pelvis!”

He just smiled and kept going with the treatment.

When he was done, he asked me to stand up and WOW! My back felt so much better!

Apparently my right glutes weren't working as they should. They couldn’t “keep my pelvis stable,” according to Dr. Yen.

So my body compensated, and my lower back muscles went into overdrive, trying to do the job that my right glutes were supposed to.

When muscles aren’t working right, other nearby muscles try to take over.

That’s how the body works, and that’s what’s causing the new wrinkles on Emma’s face.

Dermatologists call it recruitment.

After botox, if you try to smile or frown, the treated muscles can’t move because they’re paralyzed by botox. So those nearby muscles kick in to compensate… and voila—“Bunny Lines.”

Here at Ageless Beauty, we take a completely different approach.

We understand the “enemy” is gravity. And to help your face overcome the constant downward pull from gravity, we need to tone your facial muscles, not paralyze them with botulinum toxin, i.e., botox.

We don’t need needles that cause wrinkles to pop up in new places.

We need to tone and strengthen our muscles, and get the muscle working better at opening your eyes, lifting the cheeks, and supporting the jaw line.

This is what a Face Fitness workout is all about.

It really is like a regular gym session—except for the face.

Here is the Face Fitness 4-Step Workout Routine:

First, we warm up the face to get the blood flowing.

Then we do some “stretching” with facial massage to get rid of any excess tension on your face.

Proper warmup and stretching prevent injury during a regular body workout and are just as important for Face Fitness.

Even just doing this part is good for you—the same way a gym warmup or a little exercise helps overall wellness!

After your facial muscles are warmed up and stretched, you’re ready for an actual workout with microcurrent.

After that, you’ll cool down the face and redistribute the blood flow.

This will allow your face to relax and reduce the chances of muscle cramps and stiffness -- exactly the same as in the gym.

So the short story (smiling—I know this is a long email!) is that Emma nixed botox and tried Face Fitness.

In only a month, her facial features started to soften up and look less rigid. And the wrinkles are definitely fading.

There’s still a little to do—it’s not overnight—but the good thing about Face Fitness (and microcurrent—umm, had to slip it in!) is that it’s more gradual and it’s cumulative.

Improvement on top of improvement.

Emma feels good already and will feel even better next month.

I know I’m throwing a lot at you.

If you have questions about what we went through in this email, don’t miss the next Microcurrent Monday Q&A!

You can register for it here:

I’ll be there---sitting up straight with happy glutes, ready to answer any question you have to help you stay ageless and look beautiful.

Let me know if you’ll be there! Contact me through the website or privately.

Here’s to your Ageless Beauty,
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