How to Get Your Skin Camera-Ready

Apparently, business for plastic surgeons is off the charts.

It seems like there are a lot of people who can’t stand looking at themselves on Zoom.

Mary called me last week because she can’t stop staring at the dry patches on her left cheek.

She said, “It’s like that mole on Cindy Crawford’s face!”

Our eyes can’t help but notice it and focus on it.

It’s how our brains work.

But instead of turning Mary into a sexy Supermodel like Cindy, her dry skin patches make her complexion look more like the Wicked Witch of the West...her words, not mine :)

When there are dry patches or discolorations on our face, this means inflammation and most likely oxidative damage to the skin.

The camera magnifies all the imperfections on our faces and makes the blemishes and dark spots more noticeable.

The good news is, the body has an amazing ability to heal itself, as long as you stop doing anything you’re doing that’s hurting the skin in the first place.

That’s why I avoid putting any cleansers, commercial toners, or soap on my skin at all costs.

They alter the natural pH of our skin and destroy its outer layer, causing dryness, inflammation, and damage.

You can’t put out a fire if you keep feeding it wood.

And your skin can’t start to heal until you stop exposing it to harmful chemicals and toxins.

Until then, it’s virtually impossible to get rid of the dryness or blemishes on your skin.

This is the first thing and perhaps the most important thing I’d recommend if you want to get your skin feeling spa-finished and camera-ready!

Dr. Yen and I are talking about putting together a skin fasting and detox challenge.

We want to help get rid of the chemicals and toxins trapped in our skin, so we can stop staring at the blotchy, uneven dry skin on Zoom once and for all :)

If you’re interested, send me a DM at and leave me a message that says Skin Detox.

If we get enough response, we’ll put it together :)

Spring is coming soon. Everything will be open again. Sooner or later, we won’t be living on zoom all the time.

While we’re waiting for that glorious day to arrive, if you’d like to tighten and brighten up your skin and you’re interested in the Skin Fasting and Detox Challenge…

Send me a DM at and leave me a message that says Skin Detox. or contact me through the website.

If enough of you do that, Dr. Yen and I will get to work :)

Here’s to your Ageless Beauty,


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