What's the best way to avoid wrinkles?

Does the way you sleep cause wrinkles? The short answer is yes, but what can you do about it?

Sleeping and wrinkles—
Sleeping on your back is your best option. “Back sleepers enjoy fewer fine lines and wrinkles than other sleep positions.”  But it may take a little retraining if you’ve spent years snuggling up in another position.

Only about eight to 10 % of the population are back sleepers. But it’s worth doing as studies show that sleeping on your side or front can result in more wrinkles, skin folds, and sags with the pressure placed on your skin over time.  It can also affect wrinkles on your neck and dec (décolletage)!

Some doctors recommend silk or satin-finish pillows to reduce wrinkle compression, regardless of which position you start in when you go to sleep, as we move so much during the night.

If you’re not used to sleeping on your back, you may need to gradually adapt or retrain your body. Try a wedge pillow, prop up a few pillows, or, if your bed adjusts, raise the head end slightly, so you’re on an upward tilt.  You may also wish to prop a pillow under your knees to keep you stationary—the average person shifts position about 20 times per night, so even if you start on your back, you may end up in a different position.

Sleeping on your back also helps to keep the spine and neck in alignment.  JLo sleeps on her back, it’s said, to help avoid wrinkles! 

Before you decide to become or retrain as a ‘back sleeper,’ you may want to consider checking with your doctor. If you have breathing issues, snore, or suffer from sleep apnea, sleeping on your side is best for you. Choose a silky-finish pillow to help avoid ‘pressing’ wrinkles into the skin.

If you’d like to know how to make your complexion bloom and feel amazing and the best things you can do to avoid wrinkles —while keeping it simple and natural —just hit reply to this email.

… Or send me a message—and I’ll tell you all about it. Simply put, you’ll be on the way to feeling and looking your beautiful best always, whether you sleep on your back, side, or curled up into a ball!

Here’s to your ageless beauty,

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