Diet is key to youthful, glowing, healthy skin.
Eat Your Fruit and Veggies (and Spices!)
Are you one of the many North Americans who vowed, along with your New Year’s resolutions, to eat better, lose weight, and exercise more? Join the club!
Substitute fruit and veggies for baked goods. Banish take out and eating out from your diet—people who cook real food, instead of heating up from the take out counter or ordering in, do a lot better in the general health stakes, eating less sodium, saturated and regular fat, and fewer calories.
Reduce carbs and you'll begin to see a real difference in how you look--and how you feel. Don’t skip breakfast; eat at regular times; make sure you’re getting lots of fibre—have at least 5 fruits and veggies every day, if not more; Besides the benefits to your fitness level and capability, general outlook when you know you're doing something good for you and your health, you'll see an improvement in skin tone, look, and feel. And it’s cheaper to eat at home ( seven times cheaper, says Forbes).
Make your first stop in the supermarket the produce aisle.
And having the five or six fruit and veggie servings a day the experts recommend makes a difference to your skin’s tone and feel, says natural skin care advocate Maxine Warsh.
“Make sure you have not only anti-inflammatory foods (olive oil, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, almonds, walnuts, salmon, tuna, strawberries, blueberries…(more) but spices—think cinnamon, chili pepper, turmeric... They make a big difference to how well your body works, to your propensity for certain cancers, heart and stroke issues--and also your skin’s good health and anti-aging routine.”
p.s. If you can't eat enough veggies fast enough, give your complexion a lift with cosmetic microcurremt. Revive and rejuvenate. Come in for treatment if you can or try the Maxine Warsh professional-level anti-aging MDXMiniPro.
Watch for more good diet, health, and Face Talk tips on this topic later!