Eye strain from staring at the computer?

Headaches or tired eyes?

Jenny's eyes were bothering her. I could see that she was squinting when we were on Face Time. She said no wonder. That she had a horrible headache and could barely see straight!

I said it's probably too much computer time. Jenny said yes! Partly because she was now doing all her work from home and the stress and strain were showing.

But mostly it was because her boss was also working from home. And his wife, who was in hospitality and not interior design like her husband and so wasn't working at all, kept putting her two cents worth in(!).

So Jenny's occasional headaches had turned into way too often. And she couldn't sleep at night, so was working at two and three in the morning.

As Yoko Ono once said, it's important to be able to smile in the mirror. If you do that every day, you start to see a big difference in your life. Well, Jenny clearly hadn't smiled at anybody for awhile.

Probably cause it's hard to keep smiling when you're scowling at the computer all day long!

I told Jenny it wasn't the boss who was really the headache—Jenny was used to him and to his wife's little ways--who always had an opinion and expressed it—but most likely eye strain

Her muscles were stressing around the eyes because she was spending too long at the computer during the lockdown instead of out and about in people's homes doing her job. What she needed to do was release the tension and voila.

SO I sent Jenny a video to show her how to release the tension around her eyes and other facial muscles.

She zipped right through the easy instructions. Said she felt the tension float away and muscles relax. And she looked loads better at our next chat on Face Time!

And a lot younger, too! Stress and strain causes fatigue and wrinkles.

Contact me (Maxine) and I'll send the video link!