Agonizing about looking old in the future?

Que sera sera

Whatever will be will be

The future's not ours to see...

Well, this isn’t the answer anymore.... we have lost trust in what will be and have given our souls and savings to medi spas and surgeons.

We tuck and lift and inject our faces with painful, harmful and risky products and procedures only to have it done again once the effects wear off.

And OMG what it looks like when those effects wear off...suddenly there’s a shock of age with no understanding of how it got there.

Secret's out of the bag, we fool ourselves by believing we look like we are that fake face. When reality hits it’s shocking because it wasn’t graceful or natural. It’s actually painful.

We’ve become slaves to our addiction to looking young. And we don’t know how to stop.

My girlfriend’s mom always looked so beautiful and natural at every stage of life. In Jr. High she was youthful and glowed. When high school ended she looked even more beautiful.

After University she continued to glow. What was her secret? I got my nerve up one day and asked her. She wasn’t very approachable, but she seemed to like that this nervy young woman (me😉)was asking her such a philosophical question.

She said words I’ll never forget; The Future of Aging Depends on What We Do in the Present.

She was into health food and supplements back in the 60s. She avoided the sun like COVID. She knew the importance of sleep and she did what she loved doing.

She told me it was her belief that a woman had to empower herself if she wanted to be respected as an equal. I loved her wisdom and her example. And I loved that she walked her talk and continued to look youthful and natural until the end of her time on earth.

The last time I saw her before she passed, she was still graceful, beautiful and ageless as always.

What would it be like for you to look young and beautiful as you go into the future?

Not to even want procedures that are just “little tweaks”?

What if you could look radiant and natural and glow with health and confidence without selling your soul to the medi spa and surgeon?

Are you interested in being empowered?

Would you like to take control of how you age and to look your beautiful best?

Ageless Beauty is the new normal when it comes to aging gracefully.

And if that’s what you’re looking for, please come join our community on Facebook and learn our tips, tricks and advice on how to keep your youthful glow forever.

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