Improve your complexion 

You don’t have to do yoga to reduce your stress—but you should definitely be doing something!

Stress may cause a multitude of problems for your body— even worsening conditions such as heart disease, Alzheimer's and diabetes— plus stress is bad for your skin. 

Reduce stress for healthier skin

When you're too stressed, your body produces more of the cortisol hormone. Stress affects your health and well-being from muscle tension to stomach upset to sleep issues, depression, over or under-eating and lack of exercise.

Minimizing stress not only improves your day-to-day life, longevity and well-being, it improves your complexion. Too much stress increases your production of pore-clogging sebum. So if your pores are feeling the stress—with the resulting icky lumps and bumps that make you want to hide instead of getting out there and meeting people, pursuing goals, having fun, etcetera... it's a good idea to develop and maintain helpful stress-coping mechanisms.

Ways to fight stress

Try the usual prescription of sleep, healthy diet, vacations (see the photo!), more exercise (yoga!), relaxation downtime, old movies, a good book, a long walk, and injecting some fun into your life. Here are 10 ways to relax—including deep breathing or a few minutes of meditation, which you can do in a few minutes and lowers the heart rate and blood pressure. Starting the day with a smile at yourself in the mirror—aa you ask yourself not what you’re thankful for in your life—gives a big boost to limiting the stress factor and assisting with the wellness factor.

And because how you're treating yourself affects your stress levels —try a time out for mindful healthy eating. Stick to fruit and veg for a meal or two—and switch to H20 instead of sweetened drinks or alcohol... and do yourself some good.  Some superfoods, such as blueberries, are good for you inside and out! The nutrients in blueberries help with splotchy skin, acne, and broken capillaries—stay tuned for more on this!

Staying destressed to keep your body healthy has the added benefit of helping to keep your complexion fresh and lovely. 

p.s. Anti-Aging Skin Care Tip: Washing with the WARSH Cloth with water only keeps your complexion fresh and clean and WARSHes away the makeup and oil that jams pores. Don't make the situation worse by using makeup cleansers that add to the sticky build-up and dries out your skin.